Tribune Pressure Balance Shower Trim with 3 Function Hand Shower & Drench 10'' Showe (D990570)
by Gerber Plumbing
Evoking a soft angled, modern vibe, the Tribune™ Showering Trim Kit components each feature square designs, some accented by muted corners, in one full trim kit assembly. The Tribune™ Valve-Only Trim Kit with Diverter controls waterflow to either the Drench™ 10'''' Square Single Function Rain Showerhead or the Soft Square 3-Function Handshower for convenience and comfort. An integrated push button operates the handshower’s three functions from a soothing wide spray to a tension-relieving centerjet pulse, or a combination wide + centerjet. The Versa™ 30'''' Square Slide Bar with matching hose and supply elbow conveniently docks the handshower for hands-free use. Also included is a 15'''' long showerarm that extends the showerhead reach so it’s fully overhead for maximum saturation.